Corruption charges: Lula-Obiang relations peeled by Brazil

In Brazil, former President Lula has been indicted by the Money Laundering Prosecutor’s Office. He is accused of intervening with the President of Equatorial Guinea Theodoro Obiang Nguema to award public contracts to a Brazilian company.

Brazilian justice looks at relations between Lula and Equatorial Guinea. The Public Prosecutor accuses the former president of having served as an intermediary. In favour of a Brazilian company of public works with the government of Teodoro Obiang Nguema.

ARG has reportedly won several infrastructure contracts in the country and paid 1 million Brazilian reals (about $226,000) to Lula through its institute. The investigators showed a receipt seized during a search carried out at the headquarters of the Lula Institute two years ago.

Lula is accused of money laundering. His lawyers say these charges are fabricated. On the side of Equatorial Guinea, the 3rd Deputy Prime Minister for Human Rights, Alfonso Nsue Mokuy. Last night according to BBC report, said he was not aware of this indictment.

Two months ago, the tax authorities seized 16 million dollars, in cash and luxury watches, near São Paulo, aboard a plane from Equatorial Guinea. The property belonged to Teodorin Obiang Nguema, vice president of the country and son of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema. This second survey in Brazil is confidential.

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