Discover the countries where there are most prisoners

According to statistics compiled by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, there are more than 10 million people in prisons. Guilty or not, these people live in another universe.
In Africa, the state of prisoners is not pleasant, some prisons are called Death Row. As far as it may seem, the treatment of these people, who are sometimes forgotten by their families and loved ones, differs from one country to another.
Africa is by far, the continent indexed by this situation, but do you know the countries where there are the most prisoners? Looking at the world map, the United States holds the biggest score with 2.2 million prisoners.
1-Seychelles – 799% of imprisonment rate
2-US – 698% of imprisonment rate
3-Saint Kitts and Nevis – 607% of imprisonment rate
4-Turkmenistan – 583% of imprisonment rate
5-US Virgin Islands – 542% of imprisonment rate
6-Cuba – 510% of imprisonment rate
7 Salvador – 492% of imprisonment rate
8-Guam – 469% of imprisonment rate
9-Thailand – 461% of imprisonment rate
10-Belize – 449% of imprisonment rate
11 Russia – 445% of imprisonment rate