DNA test turned the life of Antonia (24) upside down

Her father was an Italian and her mother is Scandinavian, but Antonia Picardi wanted to know more about her origins. And so two years ago the American tackled for an online DNA test. The results, however, turned her life upside down.

In May 2017, Antonia was seduced by a cheap DNA test on the internet. “I thought it was fun to do,” says the now 24-year-old woman in Fabulous Digital. “I knew that my father was Italian. Unfortunately, he died when I was five years old. My mother is Scandinavian, but I wanted to know more about my origin.”

A few weeks later Antonia received an email with the results. “It was late. My shift was over and at 2 o’clock at night I was still busy with my cell phone when suddenly the e-mail came in.” At first glance, everything seemed normal. “My Italian roots through my father were confirmed and I discovered that I also had British, German and Irish blood.”

In the results, however, nothing was said about Antonia’s Scandinavian roots, through her mother. The young woman from California sent the result to her mother that same night but was not worried about it.


The next day, however, Antonia heard the most shocking news of her life. During a visit to her mother, she told her to tell her something: Antonia was not her biological daughter. She was born by another woman because the mother could not get pregnant after the birth of her son – Antonia’s older brother – despite the great desire for children she and her husband still had.

The news hit like a bomb at the then 22-year-old Antonia. “I was completely confused and scared. They had lied to me for 22 years. I no longer knew who I was.” Antonia’s mother had never said anything to her because she didn’t want her to feel different. The woman, in her own words, waited for the right moment. Antonia’s brother was also unaware.


For weeks the young woman separated herself to process the news. A few months later she contacted Melissa, her biological mother. The meeting was very cordial and gradually Antonia resumed the thread of her old life. She also approached her mother again, the woman who raised her. In the meantime, she continued to meet up with her biological mother.

Two years later it is for Antonia as if she has two mothers. “I am so happy that they are both in my life,” she summarizes the special situation.

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