Ebony gives birth while in the coma, No tummy, no morning sickness

No tummy, no morning sickness, rules punctual to the appointment! Give birth without ever being aware of being pregnant: that scenario sometimes occurs in exceptional circumstances. But what about the eighteen-year-old Ebony Stevenson?

The girl from Manchester had first ended up in a coma. When she woke up four days later, she turned out to have a healthy daughter in the world.

No tummy, no morning sickness, rules punctual to the appointment, … Nothing indicated that Ebony was pregnant. The teenager was misled by her own body because she had two wombs. While one normal month was produced, the egg could develop unobserved in the other.

On December 2, Ebony had to deal with heavy headaches and fits that were similar to an epileptic seizure. The symptoms were the result of a so-called ‘pregnancy poisoning’. In the hospital she was immediately brought into an artificial coma.

Cesarean section

For the first time, a small belly was also visible. Doctors asked mother Sheree if there was a possibility that her daughter was pregnant. No matter, it sounded. However, medical tests proved the opposite: the paramedics were certain she was, and to my shock a bump had appeared at her stomach.

Ebony gives birth while in the coma, No tummy, no morning sickness
Ebony had no idea she was pregnant (Image: SWNS)

Time to get there was not there, the little one had to be brought into the world as quickly as possible. Three hours after Ebony got her first convulsion, it was already that far: Elodie came to the world healthy and born with a caesarean section.

“Very strange experience”

“For me that was a very strange experience,” says Sheree. “On the one hand I was overjoyed, but on the other hand I was very worried about my daughter.”

On December 6, the girl awoke from her coma. “When I woke up I remember the nurses telling me I had a baby, and before I knew it they’d put her on my chest. It sounds awful now, but I asked them to take her away as I was so confused and sure they’d made a mistake. But my mum explained it all to me while the nurses were there and they gave my little girl back to me to hold properly for the first time.…”

“Never want to lose her again”

Mother and daughter stayed on intensive care for another week, after which they were allowed to go home. “I definitely wanted to wait another ten years before having children,” Ebony continues. “I never thought I would be mommy at such a young age. The doctors said that Elodie was a miracle baby, as women with her condition often struggle to conceive or carry to full-term. Although I had no time to prepare, I wouldn’t change what’s happened for the world.”

The girl is planning to continue her training in sports physiotherapy. For the education of Elodie, the teenager can count on the unconditional support of her mother. “Ebony has taken to being a mum so well, she’s a natural. And And little Elodie is an absolute beauty – we couldn’t love her more if we tried,” Sheree concludes.

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