Far across the ocean, something interesting aout Paleoindian

The history of the Americas begins about 20,000 years ago, when, at the height of the Ice Age, the first humans left Asia for North America. The new settlers followed the migration of large animals, including mammoths.

Over the course of nearly 10,000 years, Paleoindian camps gradually spread across the two American continents. As people moved across a wide geographic area, different groups became isolated from each other and developed different ways of life and distinctive cultures. However, some elements of everyday life, such as the way they made tools for hunting and stone products, remained common among the different groups of Indians.

During the Ice Age, the Paleo-Indians were nomads, actively moving across the American continent in small groups. However, gradual warming caused the glaciers covering the northern part of the northern continent of America to melt, freeing up new living spaces.

The drastic climatic changes that occurred 12,000 years ago around the world also affected nomadic life. The disappearance of mammoths, camels, and horses forced many tribes to change their way of life and way of eating.

The end of the Ice Age caused new cultures to emerge across North America: the Clovis culture, the first recognized archaeological culture in North America, and its successor, the Folsom culture, emerged.

They were the main camps around which the Indians spent most of their lives. Food was obtained mainly in the summer, when rivers teemed with fish, and by hunting various large animals, and Paleoindians gathered nuts, mushrooms, berries, and edible roots. By the fall, the tribe had to have plenty of food and make warm clothes from animal skins.

South America was gradually settled by the migration of Paleo-Indians seeking new living spaces. Many of them stayed halfway around the world, in what is now Mexico, becoming the future basis for the emergence of Mesoamerican civilizations.

However, the more persistent ones who reached South America mostly settled in the plains and mountains of Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela, the hotbeds of future South American civilizations.

The New World lagged behind the Middle East and Asia civilizations for a long time.

9,000 – 8,000 years ago, when agriculture began to develop in the Middle East, in North and South America, only in some regions were tribes beginning to live sedentary lives.

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