Femicide of Johanna Morales shocks Colombia: “tortured her to death”

Lady Johanna Morales (25) had disappeared two days before being found dead at the Cauca River bank. Johanna Morales had graduated as a professional technician in business management and was studying business administration.

After two days of being reported missing, Lady Johanna Morales Hurtado, 25, was found dead at the Cauca River, in the rural area of Cali, with multiple signs of torture that have shocked Colombia. The young woman had no partner, nor had she received any threat. His crime is catalogued by the authorities as femicide.

Lady was found in a fatal position, without an eye and with signs of having been beaten: part of her hair was pulled out and tied with barbed wire to a tree. The information is being analysed under tests by Legal Medicine, while their families and the entire country cry for justice.

Jesus Hermison Morales, his father, was the last to see her, when he left her on a public transport bus on December 28 at 11 o’clock at night. The young woman had gone to help at the toy stall. “When she said goodbye, she told me she was going to see her three children, referring to their dogs,” the man recalled to the El País de Cali.

Johanna Morales was intercepted by a man when she arrived at her home before midnight on December 28.

She managed to get to her house, according to accounts of an eyewitness, where she was intercepted by an unknown man on a motorcycle and they had a small conversation. “This witness says he did not realize how they took her,” Morales said, but apparently the subject was waiting a few hours outside her home.

From that moment they put publication of her disappearance. Until the parents received a call from the police where they warned of the discovery of a woman with her characteristics in the corregimiento of Navarra. “I did not see her, it was my wife who was in the uprising, she had numerous signs of torture,” Morales told the national newspaper El País.

Her body was already in an advanced state of decomposition, so it was necessary to perform tests of dental plates collated with examinations of a dental treatment that had been carried out in order to identify her. In fact, she was handed over to her sealed family, and they did the funeral until on Monday.

©Channel One – Was buried last Monday

“She did not have a partner or children (…) I do not understand why they would have to kill my daughter like that, she had no problems”, expressed her father in the local newspaper. Lady had graduated as a professional technician in business management and was studying business administration. In the next few days she will turn 26.

Her torture has caused outrage throughout the country. The mayor in charge of Cali, Lina María Sinisterra, described the femicide as “an affront to all women (…) We are working to clarify this case and not to go unpunished, our society cannot tolerate violence against women anymore,” Mayor warned.

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