France: A migrant pregnant the wife of his boss and his 3-daughters

The facts have recently occurred in France.
According to the report from Africa24, a 24-year-old migrant has taken canal knowledge of the wife of his boss and his three daughters.
A source who did not want to reveal his name explains that the young migrant is a Cameroonian and brilliant student in English.
Africa24 explains that Mr. Claude Xavier, the 66-year-old father, met the young Cameroonian in a Paris street.
Mr. Claude says he saw the young man who was looking for a job as a teacher of English, in Paris 6 months ago.
“He was a migrant and had nowhere to sleep so I decided to help him by offering him a place to live not far from my home.” he said.
His three girls are aged 17, 19 and 22 respectively.
It was from there that the young man had access to the house.
He quickly became involved with the mother who is a housewife and spent all her days at home.
After having affairs with the wife of his boss, he then move over to Mr. Claude Xavier’s daughters.
Medical examinations have shown that all women are pregnant with the same man.
The young man explains that he did so for the revenge because he had not been paid for all the time he worked for Claude Xavier.
The latest news is the young migrant can not be find since his boss discovered what had happened
The boss’s wife is 2 months pregnant while her daughters are 4 months old.
In France, abortion is legal until 12 weeks after conception.
Only the mother can have an abortion, but the girls must give birth to the babies.
The mother and her daughters do not want to explain how all this happened.