From the fear of crabs to their own reflection: What phobias do stars suffer from?

For many, they are superheroes. Indeed, often these actors boldly refuse the services of understudies, performing the most difficult stunts on their own. Or, for many years, they have been leading the ratings of the most-most, becoming an example to follow.

However, few people know that one small detail can throw them off balance. And the name of this insignificant trifle is a phobia, an unconscious fear. Of course, celebrities turn to psychologists to undergo treatment programs. But still, the producers and their fans are better aware of these fears so as not to inadvertently become witnesses of a violent reaction.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

A fan of motorsport, a person who can pilot a car in Formula 1 races and independently controls a real fighter and performs dangerous stunts on it, is incredibly afraid of… baldness. He is ready to endure any cosmetic and medical procedures that promise to restore thinning hair. He turns to the best cosmetologists and stylists and buys any means with the inscription “for hair growth”, but he does not find peace of mind.

Perhaps he became emotionally addicted after filming the black comedy Tropic Soldiers (2008). As you remember, Tom Cruise tried on a “bald” wig there. To be honest, the sex symbol looked disgusting. But this role was very popular with critics and brought the Golden Globe Award to the list of his awards.

Sam Claflin

Sam Claflin

The actor with English roots fell in love with the audience after the role of the fearless Finnick from the Hunger Games series of films. Handsome was so good there that subsequently the directors hardly saw him as a dramatic talent. Echoes of those years are still heard: in one of the interviews dedicated to the franchise, the actor admitted that he had been fighting one of the phobias since childhood. As it turned out, Sam is afraid of huge crabs. Often, they appear to him in a dream and try desperately to catch him with their terrible claws. The actor also suggested the reason for his phobia: according to the horoscope, he is Cancer, and maybe that’s why other representatives of crustaceans do not like him.

We, in turn, sincerely hope that nothing serious has happened to his psyche over the past year. The fact is that in the near future, the premiere of the film “Love is like a bestseller” will take place, and its shooting with Sam Claflin in the title role took place in Mexico. After all, only in this corner of the world can you see a unique phenomenon – millions of blue crabs come out of the mangroves to continue their family on the beaches of the Caribbean Sea.

Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston

Another English actor also suffers at the thought of aquatic life. The executor of the nimble god of deceit Loki is desperately afraid of sharks. And so much so that at the mere thought of them, he is ready to soar above the water, even knowing that gray predators have never swum into these waters.

As they say, actors are very impressionable people. So Tom has a phobia associated with the experience of watching horror films. As Hiddleston says, his swimming even in the pool can be easily stopped by the sound of the Jaws soundtrack alone.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow

This actor’s fear has a very scientific name: coulrophobia. However, the fear of clowns has not yet been registered as a psychological illness. Although you will agree, many readers also experience a feeling of horror after reading “It” by Stephen King or after watching one of the film adaptations.

The same thing happened with Johnny Depp. The actor has repeatedly admitted that he has avoided communicating with red-haired pranksters since childhood. And when he is criticized for clown images, Depp is sincerely indignant and considers them at least funny. Another way to deal with a phobia, the actor calls his collection of false clown noses. After all, they really say: just laugh at it if you want to overcome your fear.

Pamela Anderson

Tom Hiddleston

And now a question for our readers: what feelings do you experience when you see your own reflection in the mirror? We bet that some will call the feeling of dissatisfaction. But there is a woman in whom her own reflection causes fear. The sex symbol and Playboy star would seem to be proud of her appearance, but she avoids mirrors.

In order to make sure of the decency of her appearance, Pamela makes a video or takes a picture of herself. It remains only to guess how she removes makeup. Psychologists associate this type of phobia (eisoptrophobia) with its other variety – dissatisfaction with one’s appearance (dysmorphophobia).

In any case, this version of the origin of this celebrity’s fear is quite understandable, given the number of plastic surgeries performed and the unnatural puppet appearance. However, the pranksters also give another reason: supposedly Pamela Anderson is a vampire and is simply not reflected in the mirror.

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart

The star of the Twilight franchise has a logical phobia: she is afraid of horses. She managed to fall off an animal and break her elbow in her youth. Now the actress believes that for sure she is destined to die under the hooves of a horse and now avoids even approaching them.

However, work is work, and sometimes you still have to make an effort on yourself. By the way, sometimes directors use this: well, who else played the horror of the chase more believably than Kristen in Snow White and the Huntsman.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman

It remains a mystery how this actress agrees to shoot in the conditions of a tropical diversity of fauna. Nicole really hates butterflies. A rare phobia – lepidopterophobia – forces a person not only not to contact, but even to experience horror from just looking at these beautiful creatures. But this red-haired beauty from Australia can easily pick up a spider: she has a whole collection of them at home. Well, there’s no arguing about tastes.

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock

From one of the most interesting phobias, the director-maestro in the horror genre suffered. The one who made millions of viewers tremble with fear, and who brought his actors to a nervous breakdown, was afraid of… eggs! Once he put journalists into a stupor, saying that he had not seen anything viler than a spreading egg yolk. True or not, the director claimed that he completely excluded scrambled eggs from his menu. And the very sight of the egg is unpleasant to him “to hell.” Psychologists call this panic state ovophobia – it concerns all objects in the form of a sphere or ellipse. Are you afraid of watermelons? It could be ovophobia!

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