Causes of hair thinning and falling Out

The average person loses between 50 and 100 hairs a day, which is normal. However, this number can increase under certain circumstances, so thinning and regularly losing hair becomes a major concern. Here are a few reasons why hair becomes thinner and falls out more often than usual.
A diet low in protein
Our hair is mostly made up of protein (keratin), so a lack of this in the diet deprives the body of an important building block, without which it simply cannot provide you with thick and luxurious hair.
So if you rarely eat protein, it’s no wonder your hair is thinning and falling out a lot. Calculate the amount of protein you need daily and try to stick to that amount.
Hormonal imbalance
A fairly common cause of hair loss, especially in women, is hormonal imbalance. It can occur due to diseases (such as polycystic ovarian syndrome) or menopause, which women usually experience at the age of 40-50.
It is possible and necessary to solve the problem with hormones by consulting a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary tests and therapy.
Heavy stress
Heavy stress harms many things, including hair. Hair loss due to stress is called telogen hair loss. During this period, the body goes into a kind of survival mode during which it tries to conserve nutrients for the most important things, and unfortunately, hair growth is not on its list of things it needs to survive.
Usually, hair loss starts 3-4 months after experiencing a shock: the death of a loved one, loss of a job, moving, a serious illness or injury. Over time, your body will recover, and the process of hair growth will adjust, but you should try to reduce the stress factors as much as possible and have patience.
Hair loss and thinning hair can sometimes be caused by illness or a lack of nutrients. For example, anemia, hypothyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, and androgenetic alopecia, a genetic disease, can noticeably worsen hair conditions.
Alopecia can occur after the age of 40, but it can also occur during the teenage years. The only way to stop hair loss due to the disease is to address the root cause, which means seeing a doctor and getting cured.
Thermal Damage
Frequent use of curlers, straighteners and hot hairdryers for styling can cause thermal damage to the hair, which can cause it to become thin, brittle and dry and begin to fall out actively. If you can’t give up styling with hot tools altogether, use heat protectors or turn down the temperature of the appliances.