A girl raped and burned alive in India

In India, a new rape case has shocked the country.
Indeed, for years, the cases of rape and other sordid murders have gone around the web, giving the impression that the country is struggling with itself. A few weeks ago, it was the case of an eight-year-old girl, raped by eight men before being killed, who shocked an entire country. Many demonstrations were then organized across the country, protestors asking including the government to put in place strict and harsher measures to fight against this terrible phenomenon.
As a result, the government has decided to implement the death penalty for rapists of children under the age of 12 while increasing the penalties for other crimes of this kind. However, this obviously has not had the desired effect since a new absolutely terrible affair has just broken out. Indeed, a 16-year-old girl living in the east of the country was abducted from her home before being taken to a wood. From there, she will be raped repeatedly by several people.
A sanction that puzzles.
Furious, the parents then attack the village council, which orders two defendants to do one hundred abdominals and pay a fine of 50,000 rupees, the equivalent of 750 dollars. Dissatisfied with their fate, the two defendants then decide to fight and attack the parents of the girl, they beat them before going home and burn their daughter alive.
Justice has just seized this file and it is in all and for all, 14 people were arrested by the police. The main suspect meanwhile, would always be on the run. Every year, 40,000 rapes are reported in India, but the true figure would be much higher because of the silence surrounding these heinous crimes.