Google to prepare notifications to “save” lives of pedestrians

To prevent people from using their smartphones while walking and, therefore, resulting in accidents, Google could launch a function sending alert notifications. However, the company has not yet announced this novelty.

Wanting to avoid pedestrian accidents, Google is preparing a function to warn those who use their smartphones while walking outside, reports the 9to5Google site.

But at the moment, this feature has not yet been announced. However, the outlet spotted elements that suggested that it is under development by digging into the code of Google’s “Digital Well-being” application.

According to the site, this new feature called “Heads Up” suggests a reminder not to use the phone while walking.

Avoid accidents

To activate it, it would suffice for the user to authorize it to detect his geolocation and physical activity in order to know if he is walking outside with the device. If so, the operating system could send alerts such as “Pay attention”, “look ahead”, “stay focused”, “be vigilant”, or even “watch your step”.

For the moment, however, nothing guarantees that this feature will emerge.

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