Hallucinatory images of how US Air Force completely wipes IS shelter

The US Air Force has dropped around 40 tons of laser-driven bombs over the Iraqi province of Salah ad-Din. The area is said to be a popular hiding place for many IS fighters. The solution? Wipe the hiding place entirely off the map.

“This is what it looks like when the F15 and F35 fighter aircraft of the US Air Force drop 36,000 kilograms of bombs in an area that was infected by Daesh,” wrote US Colonel Myles Caggins, spokesperson for the US Army, in an explosive movie.

The impressive images clearly show how many explosions follow one another. The explosions are so numerous that they light up the entire area. Meanwhile, other videos have appeared on which immense plumes of smoke emerge from the bombed region. And the Iraqi anti-terrorist troops watch fearlessly and unmoved from a distance.

According to the US forces, many IS fighters – who fled Syria, Mosul and Kirkuk – were hiding in the Iraqi province of Salah ad-Din. The exact location where they are located is just below Mosul: the Qanus Island lies in the middle of the Tigris River between Al Shirqat and Qayyarah.

End of the caliphate

A recent UN report warned of new IS actions. According to the report, the resilience of the organisation is somewhat underestimated.

American anti-terrorist specialists once calculated that a total of 45,000 fighters from 110 countries went to Syria and Iraq to fight with IS. At the beginning of this year, they thought that there were still about 10,000 of them out there.

But there are a lot more. This was already noticeable when the last IS stronghold in northeastern Syria collapsed this spring. The US-led coalition expected to find some 300 diehard fighters and 1,000 sympathetic citizens in Baghouz. It turned out that there were 5,000 armed IS men and 30,000 civilians. The new UN report now includes 30,000 foreign IS fighters who may still be alive and fighting.

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