Hamas lists demands and terms of truce with Israel

The Hamas movement has declared that the end of the aggression in the Gaza Strip, implicated like Jerusalem and the West Bank in the violent de-escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was their primary demand for bringing about the truce.

While the resurgence of violence has persisted for five days in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, Hamas, which controls the territory of the latter, announced the conditions for the de-escalation.

Khaled Mechaal, head of the political office of the Hamas movement abroad, said in an exclusive interview with TRT Arabi that Turkey, Qatar, and Egypt are making efforts to stop the escalation and Israeli attacks in Gaza and Jerusalem.

“We have notified the intermediaries that the overriding demand is an end to the aggression,” said Mechaal on the evening of May 14.

The other demands of the movement are as follows:

  • Withdrawal of Israeli forces from Al-Aqsa Mosque
  • Allow freedom of prayer in this same mosque
  • Stop the expulsion of Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
  • The release of detainees in the recent escalation

New Attack Exchanges

Following a day of violence in the West Bank, IDF warplanes struck targets in central Gaza. On the morning of May 15, the Israel Defense Forces announced that they had intercepted nearly 100 out of nearly 200 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip overnight from Friday to Saturday.

Since the violent escalation that broke out on May 10 on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, the two sides have reported injuries and victims daily.

The Israeli airstrikes claimed the lives of several dozen Palestinians, including children, and injured more than a thousand people. On the Israel side, nine dead, including a child, and some 560 injured were caused by the fire of more than 2,300 rockets by the Palestinian side, according to the IDF.

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