Hotel staff in Hawaii provides VIP treatment for little teddy bear

It is a small disaster for every father or mother: to leave the favourite teddy bear of your child at the end of a holiday in the hotel room. It happened to the British mother Anna in Hawaii. Fortunately for her, Sutro’s teddy bear was given a true 5-star treatment by staff.

Anna Pickard reports on the adventure of Sutro on Twitter. She describes the fright that struck her heart when she found out that the teddy bear, the favourite hug of her son Doozer, had been left in the hotel room on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.

When she approached the hotel asking whether she had found Sutro and a seal toy bought on the island by chance, the surprise was great. “They sent an e-mail back”, writes Pickard. “They had not only found Sutro and would send it back, but they had also taken pictures so that Doozer could see what it had done during its extended vacation.”

VIP treatment

On the pictures you can see how the teddy bear of the hotel staff on Hawaii gets a huge VIP treatment. The bear, for example, pays a visit to the spa, has his nails done and hangs around the pool a little.

Sutro appears to have been brought up nicely: at the end of its stay, it also checks out nicely. Pickard thanks the staff at the Grand Hyatt, a luxury hotel on Kauai: “Just very nice people who made me and dozens of colleagues cry today.”

The photos are now in the possession of son Doozer. It is ‘both baffled and completely enchanted’. It is still waiting for Sutro and its seal friend.

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