How to love like Jesus

As Christians, we are responsible for submitting ourselves to this law, which is the most important law for both God and our spiritual development. This law is the law of Love. We tend to forget this, but God’s primary characteristic is Love. Because of His great Love for us, He sacrificed Himself so that we would be spared from an eternity of spiritual damnation.

According to John 3:16, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,” so that whoever believes in Him would not be lost. In addition to this, James 2-8 teaches us what the Royal Law states: You are to have Love for your neighbor just as much as you love yourself.

According to God, what really is Love?

1 Corinthians 13:4–8 “Love is patient, full of kindness; Love is not envious; Love does not boast, it does not puff up, it does nothing dishonest, it does not seek its own interests, it does not get angry, it does not suspect evil, it does not rejoice unrighteousness, but it rejoices in the truth; he forgives everything, he believes everything, he hopes for everything, and he supports everything.

As men, it is not within our capabilities to walk in Love in accordance with God’s will. Because we are carnal humans, we can’t practice it by ourselves. Men do not naturally possess qualities such as patience, sanctity, or humility, but God encourages us to imitate him and become like him.

Walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ is the surest way to become one with him, and it is to think, act, and behave in the same manner that He did. But in order to do that, you need to have a relationship with Him and be filled to the brim with His Love and His Spirit. In order to love one’s neighbor as oneself, it is necessary first to comprehend how God loves: “But he who clings to the Lord is of the same spirit as He,” says the Bible.

God loves us despite our failings, such as impatience, ingratitude, pride, resentment, and a lack of Love for other people. He also loves us even though we have been unfaithful to him, changed our attitudes, and made other mistakes. He waits patiently for us “until we have all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to the condition of man-made, to the measure of the full stature of Christ,” as the Scripture puts it. Ephesians chapter 4:13.

Because this is the most important aspect of this endeavor, we need to have a personal relationship with God, aspire to be more like Him, possess His character, and behave in accordance with His Spirit. Only then will we be able to attain this level. Because walking in the Spirit is the same as walking in Jesus’ footsteps.

In addition, being like Jesus is a very involved process. God works in an organized, step-by-step, and He is patient. However, we are obligated to make room for Him; we must permit Him to perform the work He needs to do in us to attain His perfect stature. Because we will never be able to attain the likeness of Christ by our own efforts, this can only be accomplished through the power of God.

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