How to disable “Active Status” on Facebook

How many times have you been told that you are active in Messenger at a time when all you want to do is fool around with the newsfeed forever without wanting to respond to the person who message you? I’m sure it has happened to you many times.

And it’s not just that. Sometimes, your Messenger light may be green and you may not even be around for some unknown reason.

The only good thing is that there is an easy solution to this issue, unlike most of the other problems that Facebook has from time to time. It is not difficult at all.

If you are from the computer, do the following. Go to the top right of your screen and tap Messenger. Opening your options, click the first one from the left icon (the one with the three dots).

When this also opens, you will see the option “Disable active mode”. Clicking there will show you three options.

You can turn off active mode a) for all your contacts, b) turn it off for all but specific contacts you type, and c) turn it off for specific contacts.

Conversely, if you are on a cell phone, things change a little. In the Messenger application, click on the icon with your profile photo on the top left.

On the page that will open, you will find the “Active Status” option in the “Profile” section. By clicking there, you can choose if you want to show your friends when you are active and when you are not.

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