How to plan a presentation

An effective tool for achieving the set goal, including concluding a contract, is a presentation. For it to truly become the key to success, it must be composed appropriately. Before starting the presentation, you need to form its plan correctly.
The first step is to define the goals of the presentation. You need to clearly understand what you want to achieve with the help of the presentation, what effect it should have upon its completion.
The next thing you need to do is get as much information as possible about your audience. The depth of material presentation will depend on the number of listeners. If you have to convince a large hall full of people, you need to prepare a bright, understandable presentation. But a small group of competent listeners should be invited to get acquainted with a specific and in-depth analysis of the problem.
Now you can proceed to build a presentation plan. Make it deep by detailing each point of your talk. This will help to reveal the topic in more detail and not get lost during the speech.
The first item in the outline of each presentation is the introduction. It should state what problem will be considered, what are the prerequisites for its occurrence. Indicate in the plan the slide numbers that will complement your speech.
Main part. In this information block, you need to touch on the task at hand deeply. Since the main part is quite voluminous, it is necessary to highlight the main points in the plan, indicating them in a thesis.
Point by point, write down the sequence of presentation of the material and mark where you will refer to tables, graphs, or other visual aids in the speech.
Particular attention should be paid to the conclusion. These should be specific conclusions on the stated problem. The conclusion is the key to the success of your presentation, so you need to work it out in as much detail as possible.
And the last thing. Don’t forget about other media. They should be chosen based on the preferences of the listeners – slides, graphs, etc.
Also, be prepared to answer questions. Add this point to the plan to be ready.