How to stop worrying about things you can’t control

Many things in life do not depend on us. We can be stuck in traffic for an hour and a half and be late for work, unprepared for change, or faced with massive drama. Some situations that we have no control over can be truly stressful and overwhelming. But there are ways to survive problems out of your control without making your life worse. We will tell you about them.

7 ways to stop worrying about things you can’t control

1. Keep a diary of emotions

To vent emotions in a difficult situation, you can talk with loved ones. But if that’s not possible, a diary is a great way to express and live your feelings to deal with them. Writing gives us clarity on the details and also helps us better understand what to do next. In addition, you can better understand what is happening to you and find the reasons for your anxiety. To get the latest stories, install our app here

You can write in a diary not only your feelings and emotions about what is happening. You can supplement them with motivating quotes to help you cope with difficulties and reread them daily.

2. Focus on the other

It’s easy to let an out of control situation take centre stage in our thoughts. The more we dwell on experiences, the less space we leave for joy and positive energy.

Unfortunately, often people focus on things they can’t change. As this focus expands, it becomes more and more negative. It is also increasingly distracting, undermining our productivity, dissipating energy, disrupting activities that could be more productive, and increasing the likelihood that we will be stuck in this fear and helplessness.

To deal with the negativity of the current situation, you need to focus on what is happening to you right now. For example, think about work if you are at it. Or completely immerse yourself in the plot of the movie you decide to watch. Often, a distraction from the problem allows us to relax and gain energy to make informed life decisions.

3. Accept the problems

Although no one likes situations that are out of control, one of the best things we can do is recognize and accept these situations.

It is important to remember that acceptance does not mean approval of what is happening. We can recognize that the situation is wrong or unfair. This does not mean giving up and doing nothing to improve the situation. To get the latest stories, install our app here

We can say that we disapprove of it, that it needs to be changed, and that we will change if we can. But if we realize we can’t change everything, at least for now, the sensible response is to deny our emotions, at least not.

4. Create a stress management plan

Whether life is going well or you are going through difficult times, stress management strategies are the key to achieving positive results.

Exercise, healthy eating, social engagement, and getting enough sleep are just a few of the key things you should be doing to take care of yourself.

Schedule time to do useful things to relieve stress. If you like yoga or want to spend time with friends, make time for it. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Also, try not to overuse unhealthy coping skills. Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and constantly complaining about life may bring temporary relief, but they will create even more problems for you in the long run.

5. Think about what you can control

There are moments that we can control in any unforeseen situation, even if it seems hopeless.

Instead of worrying about your flight being delayed, you can plan what you do while you wait. For example, call a friend or clear the phone of unnecessary information.

You will understand that although you cannot influence the events or people involved in a particular situation, you can control your feelings and reactions.

You can create an action plan and actively follow it based on what you know. You will feel more confident knowing that you did your best and are open to all possible outcomes.

6. Don’t succumb to the emotional rewards of empathy

In some situations, we need the help and support of those around us. Talking about a problem is helpful: it helps to look at it from the other side, feel that you are not alone, or relieve stress. To get the latest stories, install our app here

But with complaints about life, you should not overdo it. They don’t help solve the problem. And in some cases, they can lead to a real dependence on the emotional rewards that we receive in the form of sympathetic people around us.

7. Don’t hold a grudge against the alleged source of the problem

Resentment is our responsibility. We experience negative emotions associated with it and destroy ourselves from within. At the same time, our abusers may not know that they have hurt us or may not feel guilty about it. And often, the object of resentment may not be specific people but circumstances. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Instead of being offended and annoyed by bringing negativity into your life, you need to look for a solution, not someone to blame. If you find yourself thinking like this, stop, take a few deep breaths, and try to direct your energy in a more positive direction. Or get distracted, completely immersed in pressing matters.

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