Hunter poses with a shot giraffe as a Valentine’s gift

A huntress in South Africa is criticized online after photos of her ‘trophy’: a giraffe shot by her. It didn’t stop there. Merelize van der Merwe even cut the heart from the carcass and proudly posed with the organ.

Van der Merwe has been promoting the hunt on social media for years. The lemon grower is said to have even shot lions and elephants. She and her husband put aside their initial Valentine’s Day plans and opted for a ruminant hunt. Shooting a giraffe has long been on her to-do list. Once the job was done, she hugged the beast.

In her own words, the South African cut the heart out of the carcass (images of this are on Facebook with the explicit content announcement, ed.) For the biology lesson at a school near her.

Van der Merwe remains enthusiastic about the hunt because “it helps create jobs and maintains the wildlife population”. By shooting the ruminant, the local population got fresh meat, and eleven people were able to do paid work, the woman said. The death threats against her largely leave her cold.

Since 2019, the giraffe has been on the list of endangered species. Over the past thirty years, the number of giraffes has fallen by at least 40 percent.

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