“I have news for you, you idiots”: haughty message cracks fugitive suspects

A fugitive man ran into the lamp because he himself had revealed his whereabouts on Facebook. Jessie Dean Kowalchuk (27) had sent a haughty message to a Canadian television station that paid attention to his case.

The British Columbia authorities had been looking for the man for quite some time because he had gone wrong during his probationary period. Kowalchuk appeared to have fled the province and had been living in neighboring Alberta for years.

The man apparently could not resist the temptation to point the television station at his new place of residence. “I have news for you, you idiots. I am in Edmonton and will not be back”, Kowalchuk wrote in a Facebook message, according to the television station.

The police could then indeed arrest the man in that city. “We are delighted that he has given us that golden tip,” a police officer told CBC broadcaster.

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