Indian bus company suspends driver who left the wheel to monkey [Video]

An Indian bus driver has been suspended by his employer after a video went viral on social media that shows that he temporarily puts a monkey at the wheel of his bus while driving.

On the video you can see a langur, who belongs to the family of the slender monkeys, at the wheel of a bus in the southern state of Kanrnataka. The monkey steers while the 36-year-old driver switches.

The incident dates from October 1 but came to light after the movie went viral on social media, says TS Latha, spokeswoman for the national transport agency. “Mr. Prakash is suspended because he endangers the lives of the passengers.”

The monkey came on the bus with a passenger. None of the thirty passengers filed a complaint against the driver. India has the highest number of fatalities worldwide: an average of 135,000 people die each year on Indian roads.

Source: YouTube

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