Indian man hides and tortures his own sister for two years

In India, a man was arrested because he locked up and tortured his sister for at least two years. Why he did that is not yet clear, but his sister is in bad shape. The woman is fifty years old, but according to aid workers she looked at least thirty years older during her rescue.

After the neighbours complained about excrement and bizarre circumstances, the police decided to take a look. Finally, they were not allowed to check whether everything was in order. The man also tried to stop the police, but that failed.

“The police climbed to the terrace through the neighbouring house and found the woman in extremely bad conditions.” That is what Commissioner Rajneesh Gupta said after the rescue operation. The police soon found the starving woman back. The perpetrator’s sister was emaciated and lying in her own droppings, barely walked and did not dare to talk. She did not even recognize anyone after her rescue.

Why the husband mistreated his own sister is still unclear for the time being.

Source: BBC News

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