Is nose wire in face mask actually 5G antenna to track people?

A new conspiracy theory has recently emerged on social networks. Users have cut out surgical masks to get the piece of metal that helps to attach them to the nose. It was enough for conspirators to imagine that it is a 5G antenna to track people.

For several days now, messages on social networks have been circulating, evoking a new conspiracy theory around the Coronavirus. Some users believe that 5G antennas are “hidden in surgical masks to track citizens,” reports Forbes.

Some of them published on Twitter photos and videos of face masks cut inside, which was the small piece of metal that helps to fix the object of protection on the nose. However, according to these conspirators, it is a 5G antenna.

As the American magazine indicates, according to this conspiracy theory, this little piece of metal would either allow governments to track their citizens or spread the virus for some unknown reason.

According to Forbes, the theory was quickly dismantled by several sites that tried to point out that these metal strips were not 5G antennas and that the technology did not work that way.

According to Capital magazine, this theory could prove dangerous in the middle of a pandemic because it could push some people to give up wearing the mask, which is, however, intended to limit the spread of Covid-19.

Red light for conspirators

Previously, a hypothesis disseminated via social networks claimed that the 5G antennas would contribute to the propagation of the Covid-19. Although having no scientific basis, this theory has led some Britons to burn these antennas or even to attack employees of telecommunications companies.

Oppositions to 5G fear the impact of this technology on the environment and health, including the increased risk of developing Coronavirus

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