Israel: The humiliation of a black migrant in Tel Aviv moves the internet

Here is an image that has deeply shocked users and continues to arouse the anger of many of them. In this photo that was published on April 24 by Jonathan Small on facebook, we can see a black migrant abused by an Israeli who holds him by the hair.

The black migrant wearing just a pantie seems very weak and suffers from this torture inflicted on him.

Jonathan Small has published this photo on Facebook to publicly criticize the mistreatment of black migrants in some countries of the world, including Israel.

The American photographer explains that he was walking around when he saw migrants taking a shower and “did not harass and hurt anyone”. But a few minutes later, “a group of men approached and one started harassing them”.

“They shoved them, pulled their hair, and made them take humiliating selfies. A few passersby stopped and looked somewhat disturbed but there was no real public outcry as the abuse continued. I will admit, I was not as brave as I would have liked to have been. Homeless or housed, black or white, born in Israel or abroad, no one deserves this humiliating treatment. Enough of this shit.”

Many users accuse Jonathan Small of “spreading false news”.

Yet France24 talked about the author of the publication.

“I have seen many people confuse of what happened on the Tel Aviv beach with the fact that the white men were probably Jewish. There are even photomontages where they put my pictures next to photos of concentration camps,” he said.

“My goal was to show a situation that is not normal anywhere, and to tell those who witness something similar to do something so that we stop seeing that kind of thing,” he said and defends it.

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