Ivory coast: pretty lady hang herself

The very shocking image appeared on the internet of a pretty woman that hung herself. There are problems some people cannot withstand instead of consulting their love one but think its exaggerated.
As a remedy, they choose to kill themselves either by hanging or by suicide with the help of poison.
This is the case that occurred in the commune of Abobo precisely in Sogefiah in Abidjan.
A pretty woman whose name we do not know took her life by hanging herself on a tree inside a school. In the morning her body was discovered for some reasons plain to everyone.
Does one often have to let despair and loneliness invade our hearts to this point? Why did such a young pretty woman give herself to death?
For the moment we are waiting to be even more informed about this tragedy to tell you more and take the opportunity to present our sincere condolences to the family of the victim.
Life is too big to waste, why can’t you give that your problem a second thought! Be patient, learned and take a breath, you will walk the path to wisdom.