Jean Wyllys: Openly homosexual MP flees Brazil after death threats

A Brazilian politician does not return to his country because of death threats to his address because he is a homosexual. Parliamentarian Jean Wyllys, who currently resides in Europe, says to a local newspaper that his reputation is also damaged by a smear campaign on social media.

The 44-year-old Wyllys was a member of parliament for the leftist PSOL. He would normally start a new (third) term of office on 1st February, but now sees this.

In an interview with the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, Wyllys states that it was not so much the election of Bolsonaro that brought him to the decision, “but the increasing violence”. Attacks and even killings of homosexuals have increased sharply, it sounds.

The right-wing populist Bolsonaro promised to tackle corruption and crime in the country during his election campaign, but also voiced his suspicion about women, gays and blacks.

Academic career

The 44-year-old Wyllys, who gained fame by winning the Brazilian version of Big Brother and who has been active politically since 2011, is serving his seat at David Miranda, who is also openly gay.

Wyllys, who also works at the university, will, in his own words, focus temporarily on his academic career. He did not reveal exactly where he will do that.

Wyllys, who also works at the university, will, in his own words, focus temporarily on his academic career. He did not reveal exactly where he will do that.

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