Jeweler working on “most expensive mouth mask in the world’: white gold and 3,600 diamonds

An Israeli jeweler is working on – according to his own words – the most expensive mouth mask in the world. The gold thing inlaid with diamonds will cost 1.5 million dollars and will have to protect the owner against the coronavirus. The owner is already there, by the way, because the mask is made on commission.
The mouth cap is made of 18-carat white gold. There are 3,600 white and black diamonds on it, according to designer Isaac Levy told AP news agency.

It remains to be seen whether it will become a practical accessory. It will weigh about 270 grams, about a hundred times heavier than the usual mouth masks.
At the request of the prospective buyer, the mask will be further provided with air filters. In addition, according to Levy, there are two other requirements: it must be ready by the end of the year, and it must be the most expensive in the world. “The last requirement was the easiest to fulfill.”

The Israeli jeweler does not want to disclose his client but does say that he is a Chinese businessman living in the United States.
AP interviewed Levy at his Jerusalem factory. There the man showed some parts of the mask. “Money may not make you happy, but you can buy a very expensive corona mask for it. That man wants to wear it, walk around with it, and be stared at. It will make him happy,” says the jeweler.
He would never buy or wear the mask himself, but the Israeli was grateful for the assignment. “It gave us enough work to keep our people working in these difficult times.”