Judge whistles Trump’s policy back: can’t ‘rewrite immigration laws’

A federal judge in San Francisco has determined that the government of President Donald Trump is not allowed to exclude immigrants illegally entering the United States from the south. It is a temporary decision of the judge. Presumably he decides in December for the longer term.

The American president signed a decree earlier this month to discourage illegal immigration. The decree would make it possible to automatically refuse asylum applications from people who have illegally crossed the border between Mexico and the US. Migrants who wanted to enter Mexico from border were therefore only allowed to apply for asylum at official border posts.

Human rights organizations immediately criticized the measure and filed a lawsuit. The decree is now being called back by Judge Jon Tigar in San Francisco. He pointed out that Congress has made it clear that immigrants in the US can apply for asylum. And that it does not matter how they entered the United States.

“No matter how far the authority of the president may reach. He may not rewrite immigration laws to impose a restriction that Congress has explicitly prohibited,” Judge Tigar said.

The decision comes just after a part of the huge migrant caravan from Latin America. Reached the Mexican city of Tijuana, on the border with the United States. The migrants have been on their way to the US for months.


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