Kanye West goes wild on Twitter after his first meeting

After his first meeting for the presidential campaign in which he said he considered an abortion with his wife, Kanye West posted a series of cryptic tweets that puzzled his fans. He warned that Kim Kardashian wanted to lock him up. The messages were quickly deleted without explanation.
Billionaire artist Kanye West took to Twitter late Monday night with a strange series of messages claiming in particular that his wife Kim Kardashian wanted him interned.
In these messages, part of which has been deleted, he claimed that Kim Kardashian had left ‘for Wyoming with a doctor to have me locked up like in the movie ‘Get Out’ because I cried about d saving my daughter’s life yesterday’. He was referring to a horror film where a black man finds himself a prisoner of madmen.
West noted that if he ends up “locked up like Mandela” – referring to South Africa’s anti-apartheid leader, his fans “will know why”, without giving further details.
The tweets also refer to the couple’s children. The author insists that “the West children will never do Playboy”, and that he will do everything “so that North’s mother [his eldest daughter] never photographs her playing Playboy”, thus evoking the photos of his wife in the famous men’s magazine.
The sensitive subject mentioned
The key to this series of tweets lies in the main topic of his first meeting in Charleston last Sunday. Kanye West burst into tears as he delivered an anti-abortion speech. According to him, he had wanted his wife Kim Kardashian, then pregnant with their daughter North, to abort.
“My father wanted my mother to abort me. My mother saved my life. There wouldn’t have been a Kanye West because my dad was too busy. I almost killed my daughter! I almost killed my daughter!” He declared.
Kanye West assured that “the only reason he said that was that he knew he needed something big to draw attention to his campaign.”