Love in times of corona: throwing kisses via the window of an infected mother

A tragically beautiful family moment in times of the coronavirus was captured at a rest home in Washington. A woman and her husband poke heart at her infected mother through the window. In total, 24 people died in the US state after becoming infected with the new coronavirus.

The Life Care Center in Kirkland is the epicenter of the outbreak of the dreaded lung disease in Washington. Since February 19, 26, residents of the rest home have died, 14 of whom have been diagnosed with a corona infection. The other deaths have yet to be investigated.

81-year-old Judie Shape and her son-in-law Michael Spencer are blowing kisses to each other while daughter Lori Spencer hands her husband the phone.
©AP – 81-year-old Judie Shape and her son-in-law Michael Spencer are blowing kisses to each other while daughter Lori Spencer hands her husband the phone.

In total, at least 14 deaths in Washington are therefore linked to the rest home, and yet the testing of residents and staff got off to a slow start due to a lack of test material. In the meantime, more than 50 seniors in the center have been infected. Several members of staff also show symptoms, but not all of them could be examined yet. About 64 employees are now in isolation at home. The entire center is in quarantine, and visitors are prohibited.

81-year-old Judie Shape, a resident of the Life Care Center, also appears to be infected. She is in isolation in her room. Her worried daughter and husband came to wave on Wednesday and blow kisses at her window, communicating over the phone.

Love in times of corona: throwing kisses via the window of an infected mother
Love in times of corona: throwing kisses via the window of an infected mother

A day earlier her son Marty Shape also came by for a chat.

Love in times of corona: throwing kisses via the window of an infected mother

Shocking images at the center in Kirkland, also appeared last week. Then elderly woman Dorothy Campbell (88), accompanied by her son, came to visit her 89-year-old husband Gene through the window.

Love in times of corona: throwing kisses via the window of an infected mother

Reuters, Business Insider
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