Macron condemns Turkey’s “historic and criminal responsibility” in Libya

In the context of rising tensions between France and Turkey, Emmanuel Macron described Turkish policy in Libya as “unacceptable” and referred to Ankara’s “historical and criminal responsibility” for the situation that the country is going through.

At a press conference with the German Chancellor on Monday, Macron castigated Turkey’s policy on Libya. “We are at a moment of essential clarification of Turkish policy in Libya, which is unacceptable to us,” he said, quoted by AFP.

According to the French President, Turkey is “the first external actor” in Libya, which remains the scene of a civil war since 2011.

Turkish responsibility

Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey “does not respect any of its commitments from the Berlin conference, has increased its military presence in Libya and has massively re-imported jihadist fighters from Syria,” he continued.

“It is the historical and criminal responsibility of Turkey, which claims to be a member of NATO, or at least it claims to be,” the President added.

Tensions between France and Turkey

After a recent maritime incident in the Mediterranean, France, and Turkey, allies in NATO, exchanged virulent accusations. In particular, Paris accused Turkish frigates of having behaved “extremely aggressively” towards a French ship. Ankara rejected these claims and accused the French ship of a “dangerous manoeuvre”. NATO has opened an investigation.

On June 22, the French President has already accused Ankara of playing a “dangerous game” in Libya, in which he saw a new demonstration of NATO’s “brain death”.

Duality of Power in Libya

After the overthrow and murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 at the instigation of France, Libya has effectively ceased to function as a unified state. The country is currently going through a period of duality of power.

The government of national union (GNA) of Fayez el-Sarraj, supported by the United Nations sits in Tripoli. At the same time, a parliament elected by the people was installed in eastern Libya, in Tobruk. The authorities of the east of the country are under the protection of the Libyan National Army of Marshal Haftar.

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