Man takes revenge, before poison himself: placed explosives for his enemies

It seems that a German who poisoned himself has invented a grand plan to take revenge on his enemies after his death. Bernhard Graumann is reportedly have hidden different explosives. In the meantime, a deadly victim already fell, two others were injured. The police in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate warns acquaintances of the dead gardener that “there may still be explosives hidden.”

A 64-year-old doctor was killed last Friday at the entrance to his home in Enkenbach-Alsenborg. According to the police, he picked up a deliberately placed explosive, which was not recognizable as such, and it then went off. “a 64-year-old doctor in Enkenbach-Alsenborn was found dead in front of his practice. The police assume that a deliberately caused explosion led to the death of the 64-year-old.”

“The investigators assume in the meantime that the perpetrator deposited an explosive device on the front door of the doctor’s office. Presumably the killed doctor wanted to pick up the camouflaged device from the ground.”

In Otterberg it came on Sunday morning to another explosion. Two people were injured. An explosive-engineered log had exploded in a wood-burning stove. Presumably, the perpetrator deposited the piece of wood before the housing of the victims. A resident laid the piece unnoticed in the fireplace.

The police think that the now deceased Bernhard Graumann from Mehlingen is responsible for the explosions. The 59-year-old gardener died according to German media in the night from Friday to Saturday, in his house. The cause of death could not yet be determined, possibly he poisoned himself. According to the police, all victims had a bad relationship with the alleged perpetrator and also had an argument with him, which could indicate an act of revenge.

There is, therefore, a chance that others will also be at risk. Where does this series of booby traps end? The police call people who had personal or business relations with the gardener to sign up. Yesterday, more than thirty comments have come in, a spokesman said. The tips are checked as soon as possible.

“The police can not rule out that the deceased before his death has made preparations that could endanger other people’s life and limb. In particular, people who have had a problematic private or business relationship with Graumann are urged to contact the police immediately.”

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