Man with 58 wives: I marry a new wife whenever old one insults me

A famous Nigerian traditional doctor based in Enugu state, Simon Odo, known as Onu Uwa, revealed why he had so many wives. “I marry another wife anytime my older wives insult me,” the native doctor gave as the reason for having many women in his house. And “heartbreaks and bad attitudes from their wives” kill men.

Native doctors in Nigeria are usually known with polygamous families. Most of them marry more than two wives, and the case of Simon Odo, from the southeastern part, is not exceptional. The Onu Uwa, who is also called Odo (King Of Satan), gave reason for marrying his 58th wife as the inability to sympathize with insult and unruly behaviors from his women.

In his recent interview with Nigeria News media Vanguard, he explained that he married a new woman whenever his older wives insulted him. “I get married every time one of my new wives insults me. I can’t stand a woman insulting me. If there are 20 dead men in Nigeria, for instance, only five of them died naturally. The other 15 were caused by heartbreaks and bad attitudes from their wives. That is why I marry anytime a woman insults me.”

“If I want to kill you, I will ask God for his grace. The person I want to kill will also ask God for their protection. Armed thieves on the highway pray to God for the success of their operations, while road users pray to the same God to protect themselves from thieves. God is confused about the actions of humankind because of their wrong actions.”

Man with 58 wives: I marry a new wife whenever old one insults me
©Vanguard – Native doctor Simon Odo, known as Onu Uwa.

“God has abandoned humanity because of the series of evils that people commit. He no longer answers our prayers because we have no love for him or our fellow men. Children no longer obey their parents, and this was not the case when I was young. There was then absolute respect for the elders.”

“There are four of us who people use to dupe unsuspecting members of the public. The first person is God, and the second person is Jesus Christ, then queen of oceans, and myself, the king of Satan. People go about claiming that I am their father and that they can perform all sorts of miraculous healings. To be frank with you, I did not train anybody in traditional medicine, so those people are fraudsters.”

“People also go about claiming false prophecies from God, Jesus Christ, and queen of oceans; claiming that they heard from God, and duping people of their hard-earned treasures. They are 419ners, and people should be wary of such them,” he warned.

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