Marathon lovemaking! Wife died at the spot, priest suspended

Game ontop, whosoever scream is a loser. A priest, identified as Father Abel Mwelwa, was suspended in Lusaka, Zambia, after his secret married lover died during marathon lovemaking in his home.

Information gathered by LusakaTimes revealed that the deceased, who was a member of the Catholic Women’s League of St. Mauritius Catholic Church, had deceived her husband. The reportedly Priest lover lied to her husband that she was going to a funeral, but ended up with the priest for the usual love affair.

Some accusing fingers were pointing to the priest of having illicit affairs with the woman, which resulted in her early death due to marathon lovemaking.

Lusaka Police say they have opened an investigation into the death of a 42-year-old woman who reportedly died in the Parish Priest’s House of the Catholic Church in Kaunda Square.

Meanwhile, Bro Abel Mwelwa said that how the Archbishop of the Diocese of Lusaka, Alec Banda, handled the case is unfair. “I want to assure you that everything is fine. My soul is at rest. Knowing that God’s righteousness is on my side… I have no bitterness against the way this has been handled. I allow God to deal with it,” Dr. Mwelwa said.

He also said Monica Mulenga died in a hospital due to acute pneumonia, as indicated by the post-mortem results. “God has his ways. Thank you for your fellowship and support. Let it be known that the person died almost a month ago,” he said.

He continues that “everything was quiet until my bishop decided to instruct some priests to circulate a communiqué of my suspension to all priests and religious. The communiqué is also addressed to the lay faithful. What a way to handle things.”

“The result of such a miscalculated decision is what brought on this media frenzy. Was there ever a time in the Catholic Church when the suspension of a Priest was material to everyone? If not, the question is, why was it manipulated in this way? Maybe we’ll have answers in heaven,” he stressed

“I thought I should share with you what happened. The righteousness of God may take a long time, but it surely comes,” concludes the suspended priest, who was accused of marathon lovemaking with a married woman.

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