Mountain biker Fabio Wibmer shows craziest bicycle stunts

In the time of lockdown, and you can’t leave the house, but you have a huge passion for your sport? The Australian mountain biker, Fabio Wibmer, decided to bring his sport home and perform the craziest stunts.
Mountain biker Fabio Wibmer (24) was fed up after a few days without his favorite sport. He decided to fight the boredom of the lockdown and perform fun tricks in his house.
It resulted in beautiful images. That job was certainly not done in a day: it took four weeks for the Austrian and his housemates to film and edit all the spectacular stunts.
600 attempts
Fabio explains: “Since we could only shoot the video in the house and the backyard, everything had to be carefully planned and tried out. For some tricks, we made over 600 attempts before it worked.”
And why he put so much effort into this? “We knew we would have to stay indoors for a while. Still, we wanted to create something together that would allow people to resist their thoughts. And even if only for five minutes, to put a smile on their face.”