Museveni re-elected, Bobi Wine opposes the results

In power since 1986, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni (76) was re-elected for a sixth term as head of Uganda on Saturday with 58.64% of the vote. The turnout was only 57.22%. The authorities suspended access to the Internet.

As might be expected, outgoing President Yoweri Museveni, who has led Uganda for 34 years, has just been re-elected for a sixth term, according to the Election Commission (EC). The turnout was only 57.22% for this scrutiny, during which the authorities suspended access to the Internet and social networks after a, particularly violent campaign.

The main opponent of outgoing President Yoweri Museveni and leader of the Platform of National Unity (NUP), Bobi Wine, 38, won 34.83% of the vote, according to estimates by the electoral commission. On the other hand, Bobi Wine has vigorously contested this election’s results, which he describes as a “joke” and a failure to respect the Ugandan’s will.

During the announcement of the partial results, Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine had indicated that the results giving an advance to the outgoing President Yoweri Museveni were only a “masquerade”, while affirming, in turn, to have “largely won” the presidential election.

Was the ruling party rigged Uganda’s 2021 presidential election? In any case, Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine and other candidates denounced massive frauds such as ballot stuffing, pre-filled ballots, voters who received ballot papers only for the Legislative or attacks against observers of his party, sometimes driven from polling stations.

“I am very confident that we have defeated the dictator from afar. I call on all Ugandans to reject blackmail. We certainly won the election, and we won it by far.”

“The Ugandan people voted overwhelmingly to change power from dictatorship to democratic government. But Museveni tries to paint the picture he has in mind. What a joke!” The candidate Bobi Wine posted on Twitter.

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