Not hearing back from job applications, What should I do?

You have your dream job in mind and send your application with dedication and good courage. But then there is… nothing. The days pass without a sign of life from the company where you would like to work. When is it your turn again? And how do you best approach that? Afrinik gives concrete tips.

It is sometimes difficult to estimate whether the recruiter to whom you sent your resume and motivation letter has already reviewed your application. You will often receive an (automatic) confirmation of receipt, but a direct e-mail from the recruiter often takes a long time (or even completely).

Especially with coveted jobs, it is not illogical that you have to wait for an answer. Recruiters like to collect all applications before taking action. But if you really dream of a certain job, days can feel like weeks of waiting, and you would prefer to receive a response as soon as possible.

How long should you wait before sending a reminder?

Take about ten days as the default before taking matters into your own hands if you don’t get an answer. Always take into account a possible application deadline. In any case, wait until two days after the expiry of that deadline.

You can also use the time between your application and fishing for feedback. Research the organization and the job. Or perhaps the recruiter has announced on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or a company blog that he is working on the incoming CVs.

There is really only one real condition to check your candidacy: do it in a professional and friendly manner. Fear of appearing rude is unfounded. It shows that you take the application seriously and are interested in the company. Moreover, you show your sense of initiative, which is always a good asset as an applicant.

Mail or telephone?

In the first instance, you can check the state of affairs via a reminder e-mail: ask whether your application has arrived properly. If you don’t get a response after a few days, you can reach for the phone.

Do not show your dissatisfaction, but ask again in the first instance whether your application has arrived correctly. Assume that there is a good reason that you have still received an answer.

Did the recruiter receive your application? Then you can check again for the further steps in the procedure. You can also carefully ask how many applications have been received in order to gain insight into the competition.

If you are told during the phone call that your application has been reviewed, but the company will not elaborate on it, always remain polite and ask for the reason. After – pedaling – “I’ve waited here for two weeks now for nothing!” – is not a good idea anyway. You never know what the future will bring and what path your career will take later.

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