Oldest writing on Earth or message from aliens: what Rongorongo tablets from Easter Island explain

In the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is known not only for the Moai stone statues but also for tablets with cryptic hieroglyphs. Scientists believe that this is native writing with ancient origins.

The symbols are very similar to those seen in Ancient Egypt, China, and India, as well as the Kuna Indians of Central America. Reading Kohau Rongorongo was only feasible in part. Mysticism, yet everyone who attempts to talk about the Easter Island texts often vanishes or dies shortly after. It’s similar to the pharaoh’s curse, except this time it’s the Maori (scientists) Rongorongo.

Easter Island’s ancient tablets

The peculiar Moai stones located on the island have made it famous across the globe. Chile owns the island, which is situated in the South Pacific Ocean. For a long period, though, nothing was known about it. Jacob Roggeven, a Dutch adventurer, was the first to find this country in 1722. Without question, this region of the world is one of the most intriguing on the globe. It turns out that rongorongo plaques with cryptic inscriptions were discovered.

According to scientists, this discovery proves that this is the Rapa Nui script. This most ancient and highly developed civilization resided on these territories for a long time. When this island was found in the 18th century, however, just a few indigenous inhabitants remained.

They were able to locate around 25 tablets with a specific set of hieroglyphs. The stone figures had the same inscriptions. Spirals, bipeds that appeared like extraterrestrial animals, vegetation and flying humans, and much more were among the hieroglyphs.

Easter Island is located in the Pacific Ocean and was previously known for the stone heads of the Moai, and now for the tablets with hieroglyphs.
Easter Island is located in the Pacific Ocean and was previously known for the stone heads of the Moai, and now for the tablets with hieroglyphs.

Rapanui language is used on the tablets, according to scientists. However, whether they are words or syllables and how they may be translated in general, remain unclear. True, a certain sequence of indications might be found. They always begin stitching from the bottom corner and work their way up from left to right. When the line was finished, the tablet was reportedly flipped upside down, and the hieroglyphs were applied in the same sequence. The Inverted Boustrophedon style is evocative of this inverted sign system. Previously, only the Incas were known to use such a sign application order.

Who invented Rongorongo, and why can’t they be read?

According to historical documents, Easter Island, also known as Rapanui Island, was founded in 1772. Stone figures of the Moai were unearthed in the same year. However, the tablets with strange hieroglyphs were discovered 92 years later (in 1864) by the French missionary Eugene Eyraud. He was a priest who came here willingly to convert the Indians to Christianity and save their souls. For nearly a year, Eugène Eyraud was the first European to dwell here. He observed black wood boards with emblems while on the island. The boards were constructed from the Toromiro tree, which grows in the same location, as it turned out afterward.

Interestingly, practically every Rapanuin residence has a plaque. They were all cut with sharp stones and covered with unintelligible hieroglyphs. One may find odd animals, vegetation, body parts, or human-like beings on them.

The priest informed the Supreme Father of the fraternity, whom he served, of his discovery in a letter. However, most of the plaques with signs vanished within two years. They perished, most likely as a consequence of civil conflicts that erupted on the island.

Historians are still baffled as to what really transpired. It’s only that these old manuscripts have vanished. Only two dozen antique tablets have been discovered, as well as a handful of inscriptions on the staff and breastplate of the island’s priests.

Many scholars have been puzzled by the rapid extinction of the Kohau Rongorongo. After all, they couldn’t just vanish into thin air without leaving a trace. It’s been believed that the Easter Islanders concealed them in subterranean caches to keep them safe from inquisitive eyes.

Despite the fact that this is a very significant discovery, understanding what is written in Rongorongo has proven to be quite difficult. The truth is that at that time, people who spoke this language had all but vanished. They were either sold into slavery or perished in internecine warfare, with one dying of old age.

Easter Island has hieroglyphs from Ancient Egypt and India

Rongorongo, of course, verifies the presence of writing on Easter Island, which has miraculously survived for so long. However, other discoveries made by archaeologists in other regions of the world have left researchers baffled.

  • The hieroglyphs on the tablets resembled Ancient Egyptian signs.
  • Second, in the Indus Valley, in South India, the ruins of an old town concealed beneath a massive hill were discovered in the 19th century. It was discovered that the Harappan civilization lived in these areas between 3300 and 1400 BC. Seals with remarkable traces of ancient writing were discovered during the excavations. There are strange creatures among the hieroglyphs. It was discovered that 170 indicators on Hindustan’s Rongorongo tablets and seals are similar. It was an incredible experience. After all, the time difference was over 4,000 years.
  • But the thrills didn’t stop there. Archaeologist Robert Heine-Geldern of Austria discovered comparable bird signals in paintings of the Indonesian island of Sumatra in 1951. It turns out that Rongorongo hieroglyphs are identical to ancient Chinese lettering, which they discovered there. Professor Metro further noted that the Kohau Rongorongo signs are similar to the writing of the Kuna Indians who resided in Central America.

Scientists believe that ancient writing that was distributed over the globe 3-4 thousand years ago was preserved on Easter Island. It’s still a mystery how the islanders were able to do this.

Generational message

It would seem that what is written on the kohau Rongorongo will forever remain a great mystery to mankind. However, everything changed in an unexpected way after a young man, Metoro Tau’a Ure, appeared. According to his claims, he is a scholar who knows an ancient language and can read what is written on the Easter Island tablets. He came to the residence of Bishop Tepan Jossan Metoro, where he sang texts, the translation of which was immediately recorded in Latin. However, the notebook with the recordings was shelved for a long time.

Thomas Barthel, an ethnographer from Germany, found these documents in 1954 and attempted to translate the cryptic characters on the tablets himself. According to him, ceremonies were performed on Easter Island that were heavily laden with offerings to the gods. However, it is assumed that most of the characters were created by Barthel himself.

The Rongorongo hieroglyphs have been deciphered many times. The most widely held belief was that it was a communication from alien civilizations to future generations. The odd stone sculptures have led some experts to believe that aliens were present on the island.

Professor de Mela of Brazil recently declared that he had deciphered the kohau Rongorongo inexplicable’s signals. It depicts the circumstances of a civilization’s total annihilation. When a major earthquake hit, the once-vast archipelago was submerged. There was still a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean with a modest population, culture, and accomplishments. This is eerily similar to the mythology of Atlantis and Lemuria.

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