“Olympic Games perhaps from July 23 to August 8, 2021”

The Olympic Games are likely to take place in the summer of 2021, according to various Japanese media. The period from July 23 to August 8 is put forward as the main option.

At the beginning of this week, the Olympic Games were postponed due to the threat of the coronavirus. A task force from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is looking into new data for the Tokyo Games. Not a simple assignment. “We have to take into account the sports calendar and many other factors,” IOC chairman Thomas Bach said earlier. “Scheduling the Games next year presents us with major challenges.”

But there still seems to be a solution in the making. Japanese state television NHK reports from anonymous sources that it will not be long before a decision is made. “And July 23, 2021, is the target date.” Since the Games last for seventeen days, the period between July 23 and August 8 would thus be reserved for the largest sporting event in the world. According to Kyodo News, a final decision would be made late next week.

Mark Adams, the spokesperson for the organization, told the New York Times that this is still “speculation.” However, programming the Games, initially scheduled between July 24 and August 9, 2020, on virtually the same dates seems to be the most logical option.

“Olympic Games perhaps from July 23 to August 8, 2021”
2020 summer Olympics Tokyo, Japan

An Olympic Games in the spring, as was also suggested, would be out of the question, because the event would then get too far into the water of the major (football) competitions.

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