Queen wears brooch from her honeymoon in tribute to ailing husband

Queen Elizabeth II (94) addressed the nation in her annual Commonwealth Day speech. She wears an unusual brooch that she received as a wedding gift and wore during her honeymoon during the broadcast. She does this as a tribute to her sick husband, Prince Philip (99).

Although she is the Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth absolutely did not want an occasional marriage. Prince Philip was her great love, and she is very concerned now that he has been in the hospital for two weeks with a serious infection and heart complaints.

As a tribute, she appears on a brooch that she also wore during her honeymoon. In 1947 she moved to the Broadlands in Hampshire with Philip.

It is the so-called Chrysanthemum brooch, which is made of sapphires, diamonds and platinum. She already wore it to celebrate her 60th and 73rd wedding anniversary.

Heart problems

Philip was first admitted to the hospital on February 16 because he had contracted an infection. The royals initially claimed nothing was wrong: “It’s just a precaution.” However, it turned out afterwards that the Prince’s condition was much more serious.

This week he was transferred from King Edward VII’s Hospital to St. Bartholomew’s. He will undergo heart surgery. Meanwhile, Philip is said to be on the mend. He was transferred again to King Edward VII’s Hospital to recuperate after the surgery. Later this year, on June 10, the Prince will turn 100 years old.

Under pressure

The queen is under more pressure than ever today as she sends her speech out to the world just hours away from the infamous interview Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gave to Oprah. Tomorrow she will have to decide whether to send out another statement to respond to the couple’s statements.

“But her thoughts are with her husband,” said palace workers. “She is much more concerned with Philip than with that interview.”

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