Roxanne Vogel wants to reach Mount Everest summit 2 weeks

Roxanne Vogel (33) has already climbed five of the seven highest mountains in the world. Now the American is going for a real stunt. She wants to complete her journey to the summit of Mount Everest in just two weeks, including her descent.
Roxanne Vogel already climbed five of the seven summits. These are the highest mountains of every continent. The woman is certainly an experienced climber, but now she is very ambitious. A trip to the top of Mount Everest has never been made in two weeks.
In preparation, she had been sleeping in a low-oxygen tent for a while. That way Roxanne Vogel could get used to the height difference. The past months, she also trained intensively with a climbing trainer. But even then Vogel’s attempt remains ambitious. Most climbers take five to seven weeks to complete their entire journey. This includes the time to get used to the climate and the ascent and descent itself.
Even if everything is going badly and she cannot reach the top within two weeks, she wants to finish her climb. “I want to climb Everest anyway, purely out of curiosity. But I like to push my limits and push myself,” says Roxanne Vogel.