Samsung-Apple: The ‘plagiarism of the iPhone’ affair is buried

After 7 years of legal battle over the plagiarism of the iPhone, the two giants of technology decide to bury the hatchet.

In May, Samsung was sentenced to pay more than $530 million to Apple for copying details of the iPhone.

They decided to settle the case amicably.

Apple and Samsung were in conflict over the plagiarism of the iPhone but have decided to move on this case, it was learned on Wednesday, June 27.

After the conviction of Samsung by a judge to pay more than 530 million dollars, the two world leaders have decided to forget their dispute.

Samsung is accused of copying the details of the Iphone protected by patents. Between them, they hold 35% of the world market. According to court documents released on Wednesday, They signed a financial agreement whose details were not disclosed. “The court was informed by the parties that the lawsuit (…) had been settled, all the proceedings (…) in progress in this case are accordingly completed,” wrote the federal judge Lucy Koh.

He also said that the two giants have renounced to initiate further proceedings on this case.

Apple has reversed its May statement. “In this case, there has always been more than a question of money at stake. (…) It’s important that we continue to protect hard work and innovation” at Apple.

Samsung has meanwhile no comment. In 2011, Samsung was sentenced to pay $400 million to Apple. But society had challenged this verdict. The case was thus brought back to the Supreme Court of the United States which canceled in 2016 of this sanction.

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