School suspends 3 kids because mother sells naked images online

In Sacramento, USA, three brothers have to leave their Catholic school. The fact that their mother earns $150,000 monthly by selling nude images online on OnlyFans is unacceptable, according to the management.

Crystal Jackson is making waves online as ‘Mrs. Poindexter’. Under the alter ego, she posts unclothed photos and sensual videos on the platform OnlyFans. Her fans – and there are quite a few – can then watch it for a fee. That yields her about 150,000 dollars every month.

Jackson also helps other women around her to do the same. For example, they share each other’s accounts online and even create content together.

Not in line with Catholic values

Jackson’s online activities have gone wrong with the Sacred Heart Parish School’s management – the Catholic school where her three sons attend classes. According to the school, their mother’s lucrative business did not rhyme with their values, so it was decided to suspend her children.

Crystal Jackson aka Mrs. Poindexter.
©CNN – Crystal Jackson aka Mrs. Poindexter.

The decision of the school can count on (anonymous) supporters and opponents. Some say it only makes sense, as Jackson “does not share and even undermines the values of the school.” Others take Jackson’s side and even point the finger at the school. “If they hadn’t made such a big thing of this, the children would never have known about her activities,” it sounds.

Not the first

The controversy has been going on in California city for a while. Earlier, a sports teacher resigned at the same school after it appeared that he also played a role in creating and distributing pornographic material. What role that exactly remained unclear for the time being.

Another Sacramento mother, whose children also attend Catholic school, was also “caught” selling sexual content online.

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