Self-driving cars will be used in the future as mobile brothels

Autonomous cars will be used in the future as mobile brothels. That is one of the remarkable results of British research into how self-driving cars will change urban tourism.

Two British researchers predict that autonomous vehicles will cause passengers to do other things. When the need to watch traffic is lacking. From their research shows that the number of brothels will fall as a result of passionate drives in self-propelled cars.

The research was done by Dr. Debbie Hopkins from the University of Oxford. And Professor Scott Cohen from the University of Surrey. Their study describes how cars without a driver will change urban tourism. According to the duo, for example, the demand for highway hotels will drop when people can travel. And sleep at night at the same time.

In addition, brothels and hotels that rent rooms per hour will also be hit. The prices of taxi rides will decrease significantly. This is because the wages of the driver determine half of the costs of taxi rides. Parking is probably no longer a problem. Because shared cars without a driver can continue their journey. And private vehicles can return to parking places outside the city.

The coach industry will also suffer from the rise of autonomous cars. As tourists do not have to worry about finding a parking spot when visiting a city by car. Most worrying, however, is the increased risk of terror attacks, according to Hopkins and Cohen. Autonomous cars can, according to them, be pre-programmed or hacked for terrorist attacks.

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