Senegal: high school student explain why he smokes yamba

In the class of Terminal auditing high school, a pupil revealed to DakarTimes that he “smokes Indian hemp”.
“It’s been two years now, I have been in this game,” he says.
Drugs are the best thing he can have in his life.
“Even though I have nothing to eat, it does not matter. The drug opens my mind and allows me to have a high degree of understanding.”
Another student identifies as, Rehanne Ndiaye, 18, agrees, but condemned the act, saying that “there are people who come together all the time in remote places (“Village”, “Jamaica” and “Ponty”) with students, they smoke all the time especially Indian hemp.”
They have been doing this to the point that their establishment is “transformed into a network of traffic and consumption of hemp”.
“The worst,” she says, “is not just hemp, but alcohol and all kinds of excitant that can affect the health of them. They do it here and, half of those who do it are high school students.”
The headmaster of Limamou Laye minimizes and noted that his school is not the only one affected by this evil.