Som Dona! First ‘Women-Only Hotel’ opened on Mallorca

On the Spanish island of Mallorca, a hotel has been opened exclusively for women. Som Dona is the first hotel where men are not welcome.

“A hotel for women only. Comfort, tranquility, art and a healthy lifestyle,” is how the manager Som Dona describes it. “Get more out of your vacation through a unique experience at Som Dona in Mallorca. A new space for women to escape from everyday life.”

It was a pleasant surprise for two girlfriends when it turned out that only women were staying at the hotel. “I can change clothes without anyone peeking,” says Lauren-Montana Gayle. Her girlfriend confirms the “safe feeling”. “We know we can go somewhere without be ing bothered,” says Coleish James-Amoo. “It feels safe.”


The staff also consists of women only. From the chef in the kitchen to the bartender. “It’s easier for me to work alone with women. It is much calmer,” chef Martina Sureda concludes.

The interior was of course given a feminine touch, with a few rostro tones and portraits inspired by women. Furthermore, activities are also offered “especially for women.”

Although the female guests are wildly enthusiastic about the hotel, as evidenced by the many positive reviews, some ask themselves whether it is not discriminatory towards men. “Male guests would not enjoy themselves in a hotel with only women and female activities,” the hotel responds.

Who wants to stay at Som Dona can book online. For one night you pay between 77 and 132 dollars. The hotel has four stars.

Som Dona! First ‘Women-Only Hotel’ opened on Mallorca
©KameraOne – Hotel Som Dona on Mallorca

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