South Sudanese government is letting its army commit atrocities

The South Sudanese army has committed gross atrocities in the context of the five-year civil war, while the government gave it a free job, according to the human rights organization Amnesty International (AI), on the authority of about one hundred testimonies.
Government troops and related militias brutally dealt with civilians between the end of April and the beginning of July in regions controlled by the opposition in the north.
In the Leer and Mayendit districts, people have been shot and living relationships, women and children have been raped, homes and food supplies have been destroyed.
The Unity region is still severely affected by the conflict, AI says. In parts of it there is famine like last year. “Nevertheless, the South Sudanese government is allowing the suspected perpetrators to go ahead and commit new atrocities,” said Joan Nyanyuki, responsible for East Africa for Amnesty.