Tanerélle Stephens fires back – “my natural tits hang”

Tanerélle Stephens, an American singer who came into the eye of the storm this week after she appeared at the BET Awards in a deeply cut dress has served her criticasters a reply. Tanerélle (24) was told that she had “sagging breasts” and that they could be “lifted a bit”, but she did not let herself say that.

Stephens showed up at the Black Entertainment Television Awards in a little concealing dress in black and gold. She didn’t have a bra on and that didn’t appeal to everyone. Someone even offered to put her in contact with a plastic surgeon.


The singer decided to respond to social media. “According to some I missed a critical step yesterday when getting ready,” she wrote on Instagram. “What they don’t know is I literally had a fat ass piece of tape stuck from the bottom of my left boob to the top of my shoulder, looked at it & made a conscious decision to take it off because I actually loved the way my natural breasts looked in comparison to the “perfect” option.”

Tanerélle Stephens goes even further. “last time I checked what I thought about how I look was all that mattered,” it sounded. “so I’m gonna keep going with that cause it’d be fucking impossible to please EVERYONE when it comes to ME. I can’t be everyone’s favorite and I don’t wanna be, but as long as I’m able to go home and feel yummy about myself, especially from the self hate that I’ve spent my life growing out of…I’m fucking GOOD”

Tanerélle also stands up for other women who are still victims of self-hatred. “What I care about is that there are women out there still allowing the male gaze to determine their worth and what they can and can’t do,” she continues. “You owe it to yourself to at least try to embrace the parts of you-you don’t like because someone else said you shouldn’t. Your body no matter what it looks like is doing all it can every day to keep you alive and thriving, that to me deserves all the fucking love and care I can give, so I’m gonna.”



She also responded on Twitter and there Tanerélle Stephens was even more explicit. “To all the negative comments about today’s look, I don’t need to lift my breast to wear a fucking dress. I’m a woman and my natural tits hang and I fucking love it and I have no intention of changing it to suit your gaze. I’m out here living my dreams focus on better things.”

Her answer could count on a lot of admiring reactions. “We have been conditioned by the media to see ‘false breasts’ as real ones,” it sounded among the thousands of responses. “This is becoming an increasing problem. It’s like everyone’s forgotten what a real body looks like. You’re super hot, inside and out. Anyone who says otherwise knows no better or is damaged. Keep up the good work. You’re an authentic example to the younger generation. We need more people like you.”

Tanerélle Stephens fires back – “my natural tits hang”
Tanerélle Stephens at the BET Awards.
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One Comment

  1. She looks just fine to me. Sick of fake tits. Girls should be happy with what Mother Nature decided to give them. She’s a real woman with real, natural breasts. We should have more like her.

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