Why did Frederic Brandt who invented beauty injections hanged himself?

He made beautiful faces…. Naomi Campbell, Madonna, Calvin Klein, and many more Hollywood celebrities and they generously paid him for injections of collagen and Botox – at least $5,000 for one visit. It would seem that life is good! But the millionth fortune did not save Dr Frederic Brandt from depression – he hanged himself in the garage of his posh mansion in Miami.
Frederic Brandt was born in 1949 to Irving and Esther Brandt, a candy store owner in Newark, New Jersey. In his youth, he dreamed of becoming a singer, but he went to study at a medical college. Almost all the time he sat behind textbooks and reference books, so classmates considered him a bore. He was interested in everything at once – nephrology, oncology, cardiology and hematology – he absorbed information like a sponge.
After college, he did postgraduate studies in oncology and nephrology at New York Medical University, and later, Frederic Brandt researched and treated patients with leukemia at the Memorial Cancer Center. There, he first began using natural antioxidants to fight free radicals, which can also cause cancer, and this practice turned out to be useful when Brandt changed his specialization and took up dermatology. He decided to go into private practice and opened an office in Miami.
Madonna’s face as a path to success
Frederic Brandt chose a technique that was radically different from what his colleagues did: no surgical operations and braces, after which the result was not a face but a frozen mask. Instead of a scalpel, he used a syringe – he injected Restylane, Botox and collagen, and the faces of his patients looked beautiful and natural. To be fair, some of his colleagues also used this technique, but he was the best, and he was also constantly on the lookout and offered new methods: he was the first to suggest using green tea for skin care, the first to offer patients laser peeling at home.

In 1998, his first meeting with Madonna took place. Frederic Brandt came to New York in search of star patients, and by some miracle, she was at his reception, and it was thanks to Madonna that the miracle doctor became famous. “I owe my beautiful skin to him,” Madonna did not hesitate to say, and the stars reached out to the Brandt clinic in even rows.
Quite a bit of time passed, and the entire New York beau monde already dreamed of getting an appointment with a doctor who rejuvenates faces. TV interviews, articles in iconic fashion magazines and lots and lots of money. He lived for half a month in Miami and half a month in New York, and his clients were such famous personalities as Donna Karan and Calvin Klein, Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista, Stephanie Seymour and Ellen Barkin. And after all, not all the stars were not afraid to admit that they used the services of Brandt. It was rumored that Barbra Streisand herself was among his clients.
He worked 10 hours a day and took up to 30 people. The cost of a visit to Dr Brandt was estimated at 6-7 thousand dollars, but even such impressive figures did not bother his clients. Yoga helped him cope with such a load.
Doctor, friend and “a simple Jewish guy from Newark”
He put in order not only faces, but also souls. When Madonna was going through a difficult divorce from Guy Ritchie, Brandt flew to her in London from New York on only one phone call.
Any glossy magazine editor who wanted to use his services received a substantial discount. Dr Frederic Brandt also had a personal PR director, Jacqui Trachtenberg. She was in touch with him at any time of the day or night.

A distinctive feature of Frederic Brandt was pale skin. He was often asked if he was a Scandinavian. To which he invariably replied: “I’m a simple Jewish guy from Newark.” And those of his clients who knew Yiddish had no doubts because the miracle doctor never said a Botox cube, “in his mouth, it sounded“ “bissel Bo”, which translates from Yiddish as “a little, a pinch”.
This “simple Jewish guy” had a wardrobe from a new designer every day: yesterday from Lanvin, today from Givenchy, and tomorrow from Prada. Somehow, he shocked the parishioners of the synagogue when he appeared there in a designer kilt and sequined sneakers.
“Looks like I haven’t met the right person”
Successful, rich and famous… On the walls of his house in Miami and apartment in New York, an abundance of paintings by Damien Hirst, Richard Prince and Anish Kapoor. It would seem that Frederic Brandt can only be envied. But he never managed to find personal happiness. The miracle doctor lived alone and said, “Looks like I haven’t met the right person.” In Miami, three mongrels picked up on the street lived with him. And when he visited New York, they were looked after by a dog sitter.
Old age scared him. He constantly dieted, injected Botox and practiced yoga daily. But time is ruthless, and his face became more and more like a mask. Once, an article appeared in a well-known glossy magazine in which Brandt’s appearance was called the ideal anti-advertising of the services offered.
And it seems that failures began to haunt him from that moment on, and Brandt experienced them very hard. One of the patients complained that she had a nodule at the injection site, and the doctor was accused of non-compliance with hygiene requirements. The production of Botox was launched in China and India, because of which the prices for it simply collapsed, and a huge number of amateurs began to inject at dumping prices.

The last straw was the release of the comedy television series the television series “Unbending Kimmy Schmidt”, in which Dr Grant was one of the main characters. As planned by the writers, due to the huge number of beauty injections that distorted his face, he could not even pronounce his last name correctly. Dr Grant’s appearance was copied from Brandt.
The series began airing in March, and almost immediately, Frederic Brandt stopped answering the phone and a month later, he canceled all appointments and reduced his social circle to a few close friends and a personal psychiatrist. On April 5, 2015, Frederic Brandt went to the garage at his Miami mansion, took a rope, and hanged himself.