The German prince Ernest of Hannover sold his castle for 1 dollar

A dollar with 13 cents: this was the exact price that closed the purchase of one of the most spectacular castles in Europe. The castle of Marienburg, in the State of Lower Saxony, Germany owned by Prince Ernest of Hannover. The aristocrat explained why he delivered this magnificent property to the state for a ridiculous amount.

“I could no longer take care of the expenses,” the prince admitted. As reported by the head of the house Guelfa, probably the noblest dynasty of Germany. Could no longer afford the restoration and conservation works required by the colossal property. The maintenance of the castle, of 135 rooms, was exterminating his personal wealth.

Thus, in spite of the symbolic sale price, the reality is that, in order not to become a ruin. What was the official residence of the noble family obliging us to pay out an investment of thirty million euros (34 million US dollars). That will be the amount that the State will have to disburse from 2020. At which time the rehabilitation works will begin, which will be financed with 27 million from the public coffers.

“It has been a decision of great importance to my family,” the prince explained. “We have found a good solution that will allow the palace and its inventory to be preserved for the public,” he added.

Museum and Hotel

For its part, the regional Minister of Culture, Bjorn Thumler, of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), admitted that it cannot guarantee that this amount is enough. And advanced that once the works begin, there is the possibility that the initial budget increase. In fact, according to the assessment of experts, so that the castle does not fall apart, will require up to 60 million euros (about 70 million dollars).

It is still unknown the purpose that will be given to the castle once the urgent works are undertaken. Most likely it will become a museum and a hotel. The real estate company Liemak Inmobilien GmbH, a subsidiary of Klosterkammer, will take over its management.


The history of the castle goes back to 1857. That year, Jorge V of Hannover took to his wife Marie to a hill located to 135 meters of height. There he announced that on that hill would erect a dream castle in his honor, inspired by the medieval by Marie’s fondness for fairy tales.

A year later the works began, although Jorge V never came to see the final building. In a romantic style, because of the blindness he suffered from an early age. This idyllic place hosted in 2017 the link of Ernesto de Hannover’s eldest son, Ernesto Augusto Jr. of Hannover, with his fiancée, Ekateryna Malysheva.


The sale comes after the problem of the aristocrat, 64 years old, with alcohol was made public. According to the European press, he had to be interned in a centre in Lima. After losing consciousness during the wedding of his second son, Christian de Hannover.

These scandals have encouraged the rumours that point to a possible disqualification of the prince to protect his fortune, Which would be controlled by his still wife, Carolina de Monaco.

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